Academy Etiquette
Gi Classes:
All students must wear a newly washed, odor-free uniform to every class. Your gi must be a matching set. Please wear a t-shirt underneath your kimono/jacket.
No-Gi Classes:
All students must wear a rashguard or t-shirt or both with elastic waist shorts or gi pants. Spats (compression) can be worn, as long as they are under shorts or gi pants. All apparel must be free of pockets, buttons, zippers, buckles and any other metal hardware.
No earrings, necklaces, rings or watches are permitted. If you are unable to remove a band ring (such as a wedding band) please wrap your finger with electrical tape.
Please note that the academy is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items.
Personal Hygiene:
All students must maintain impeccable hygiene to keep everyone safe.
● Finger nails and toe nails must be cut short and without any sharp edges.
● Any MINOR cuts (papercuts) and/or scratches must be properly bandaged.
● All students are required to report any skin conditions to their instructor PRIOR to training to assess if they can take class.
● If you do not know the nature of a skin condition, even if it appears to be mild, it is best to wait until it is fully resolved and healed before you take class!
● In the event you get a scratch or a cut while in class or notice this on someone else, or see blood, please alert your instructor, so we may properly disinfect the mat.
Jiu-Jitsu is a close-contact martial art and we are serious about your safety! Instructors have the right to deny training if these rules are not met.
Thank you for helping us maintain a safe environment!